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MongoDB Commands Cheat Sheet

Bir zamanlar bir nedenden ötürü İngilizce olarak aldığım notlar:

Basic Commands Purpose
use db-name; switches to that db
show dbs; list all databases that have data in it
db; prints current database that we are in
show collections; lists collections inside the database. Must be used on a database. It lists collections inside the database
db.createCollection("STRING") creates collection to inside the database
db.COLLECTION-NAME.drop(); deletes the collection from database.
db.dropDatabase(); drops the database that we are currently in. (delete database)

Managing Data

Command Purpose
db.COLLECTION-NAME.insertOne(”JSON FORMAT DATA”); It inserts a json formatted data to the spesific collection. Data must be formatted as JSON.
db.COLLECTION-NAME.insertMany(”JSON FORMAT DATAS”); It inserts a json formatted datas to the spesific collection. Data can be passed as Javascript array.
db.COLLECTION-NAME.updateOne({name: “Berk”}, {$set : {rating : 4.6}}); Updates the value. First it finds the object that its data is “Berk” then sets its rating value to 4.6. $set is an operator from mongoDB.
db.COLLECTION-NAME.updateMany({}, {$set: {students: 10000}}); Same logic with updateOne. It updates all objects because we used {} in the first section. It sets students value to 10000 on all objects.
db.COLLECTION-NAME.deleteOne({name: “Berk”}); It finds the object that its name value is Berk and deletes it.

Search Data

Command Purpose
db.COLLECTION-NAME.find({}, {name:1, rating:1}) With that usage we can search data inside our documents. It will return only name and rating variables from all of our document. 1 enables, 0 disables it.
db.COLLECTION-name.find({status: “A”}); With that usage we can list objects like their status variable is A. Variable names are example.
db.COLLECTION-NAME.find(); prints datas from spesified collection.
db.COLLECTION-NAME.count(); counts how many documents we have in that collection.
db.COLLECTION-NAME.find({}); with that empty object find function prints us to all documents.
db.COLLECTION-NAME.find({}).skip(1); it skips the object 1. On JSON format objects are like arrays. Every object has index number.